Saturday 17 November 2012

Just When The Public Think BBC Standards Can't Go Lower

Check out the 'injured' male at around 2:11 and witness his remarkable recovery at around 2:42.  Is he part of an amateur dramatics society?

The more watch at this the more it appears to be like a rehearsal for some B-rated film.

With the revelations of the past few weeks shining a light into some dark crevices of the BBC, this standard of reporting not only highlights the doubts of its supposed impartiality and integrity but its basic journalistic competence. (I've plagerized the above from the excellent Pointman blogger who has his own opinion of the BBC's current 'dilemma').


  1. Sadly, the acronym is now understood by more people to mean British Bullsh1t Corporation.

  2. Plagerised? A plague on both their houses I say.

  3. Sadly Joe, this has been true since the fifties,it just took people a while to understand what was happening. Now it is fully in view.
    Another organisation that proves that Goebbels was right about the big lie.

  4. Some would agree with you Hamish.

  5. The BBC and the Guardian are run by MI6, reportedly.

    And MI6 was heavily influenced by Lord Victor Rothschild, friend of Philby, Burgess, Blunt...

    - Aangirfan

  6. Aaangirfan,
    Surely MI5 (home-based counter-intelligence) rather than SIS, the overseas spying mob. MI5 have Someone at the BBC used to liaise with MI5 as part of the vetting procedure for potential employees.

  7. I've heard there are 'M's around in the BBC and it doesn't surprise me in the wider media too Aangirfan.

  8. That is a sloppy piece of propaganda but they still don't seem to be used to the fact that people can and will examine this stuff. Very amateurish or the part of... whoever stage managed it.


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